Never Overweight Anymore 一生モノのダイエット鉄則:痩せたい人は食べなさい
「やせたい人は、食べなさい」覚えていますか?この衝撃のフレーズを。 これは、もともと1980年に出版されて話題を呼んだダイエット本 (今はアップデート版があるようです)。かなり昔なので私でさえもあまり知らなかったりするけど、要は「脂質抜きダイエット」=...
In west and east, we all know our cells re-generate every 30 days on average. Beauty acupuncture views skin as a “reflection of your inner health and balance,” meaning when your inner health is restored / balanced, your skin will reflect this.
Some wrinkles, sagging etc., are not just the skin surface issue but often involves bone and muscles.
After 15+ years working in product development and marketing in the cosmetics industry, I know skin inside/out: topical skin care products cannot tackle beauty inside. Similarly, injections and fillers can improve the appearance temporarily, but cannot be sustained without side effects, such as muscular imbalances and atrophy.