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Anti-Aging Facial Acupuncture - With a Japanese Wisdom. 

In Japanese, "sensei" phonetically means "teacher" or "head-start (preempt)" or "thousand years."  
Sensei beauty is conceived in New York by a Tokyo-born acupuncturist, Midori, to use Eastern Medicine for the utmost - effective, natural and sustainable - anti-aging method.   

Our brand logo represents our major areas to focus for bringing an incredible anti-aging result:  

"Skin" addresses your cell turnover and collagen re-generation, detoxing, nourishing and topical care.

"Body"  means resolving any of your bodily imbalance – musculoskeletal pain, posture, weight issues, etc.
"Mind" is all about your stress, emotions, and the quality of your beauty sleep. 

When these three components are in a good balance, your beauty will bloom bigger, and longer. 
That's the reason sensei beauty calls our acupuncture service Beauty Acupuncture. 

About & Subscribe

06 63 79 36 20 (france) 
+001 646 575 3915 (america)
+086 90 2321 1021 (japan)

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